School is OUT!

Okay, so I have finished up school, and I will be taking some much needed time off. I am hoping to use this time to catch up on some things that I have let slide while I was handling school, and one of those things is my health. I have actually done very well with my eating, considering all of the stress that I have been under, and have lost about five more pounds since the last time I weighed myself. But I need to start working out again and focusing on getting myself into shape.

To that end, I went to the gym with some friends of mine yesterday. I know, I know – I sang the praises of EPLifeFit and why in the world am I trying to go back to the gym when I have a perfectly good workout program that I can do at home? Well, for starters, I haven’t felt like I am getting a full, well rounded workout from EPLifeFit. Granted, I am a beginner so I need to start slow, but I felt like I was accomplishing more with Body by Science than I did with EPLifeFit. But EPLifeFit was targeting areas that I felt Body by Science wasn’t covering, so….

….I basically combined both workouts when I went to the gym. And boy, am I tired!

One of the things that I found out through doing introductory workouts with CrossFit was that I desperately need to work on my squats. I am finding out that I have no strength in my hamstrings or glutes – I’m willing to bet that there is nothing but fat back there! Just doing a minimal amount of squats per how I was told to do them by my EPLifeFit trainer wears me out, so I know that it is something that I need to concentrate on. I am going to put in the work to get it right, because eventually – when I get in better shape and feel that I can better handle it – I want to give CrossFit another shot.

My eating has been better – I have been concentrating on keeping it clean. Today I made Asian Fried “Rice” – a recipe that I found on Nom Nom Paleo. And speaking of Nom Nom Paleo, this blogger has a new iPad app that is totally awesome and definitely worth your time to check out. I have been telling everyone I know about this app because it is so sharp and so well done, and it has tons of recipes on it, one of which is the Asian Fried “Rice” recipe. Check it out!